Friday, August 7, 2009

Part II

An Addendum
I forgot an important part of my week in A Week in Review - I got my roommate back. Melissa has been in Connecticut with her sister for the last month and came home on Wednesday. It's good to have her around again. And...she brought me a present! They found a bookshop that had a collection of old books, and she found for me a copy of "The Works of Victor Hugo", printed in 1928. I have a small collection of old books, so this was very exciting. I honestly had chills when she gave it to me. I don't know that I told her that; Melissa, I got chills.

I've mentioned before an inclination toward being an introvert. I think that I could easily become a hermit if given the chance, and that wouldn't be good for me. It is good for me to have a friend around. Melissa and I don't always see eye-to-eye, and I'm sure that some of my obsessive compulsive, often irritable behavior gets on her nerves. But still we do well together, and I always know that I can count on her, and that's a nice thing to have around.

So welcome back! And thanks for the book.

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