Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Daily Affirmations - with Commentary

I'm looking at the steep climb in this picture and realizing that this is exactly how I feel about the changes I'm wanting to make this next year. Yes, it's New Year's resolution time, and I like most people am deciding to give up a lot of bad habits and to start better ones. I'm a little frustrated by the fact that I decided to do most of this stuff last year, and the year before, and the year before that... I've fallen over and rolled down the hill a few times.

Because I'm kind of scared to take this challenge on, or more to the point I'm afraid that I'll just fail again, I'm tempted to take the following approach:

Looks better doesn't it?

But maybe it's this attitude that's left me with some bad habits.

Shoot. I don't know.

Who's idea was this New Year's resolution thing anyway?!

I hope the view from the top of that hill is worth the climb.

Happy New Year everyone, and good luck!


Kelli said...

I so agree! I am still trying to work on losing that 5 pounds I put on my junior year of high school! I seem to add 15 every year instead! 3 steps forward.... none back! Good luck and happy new year my friend!

Nicole said...

Good luck, man. I have a love-hate relationship with the New Year's Resolutions myself.

I like the new format. :)