Monday, April 6, 2009

Ladies' Night Hangover

A voicemail message left for my boss this morning:

“Bob? Hi, it’s Angie. I’m sorry; I won’t be in to work today. I’m still hung over from Ladies’ Night at Deseret Book. Well, no, Deseret Book doesn’t actually serve alcohol. No, I’m drunk because I had to work Ladies Night, and drunk is the only way to get through it. Have you ever had 500 crazed Mormon women in your face shouting all kinds of demands? They want door prizes. They want food. They want to win drawings. They want discounts. They want; they WANT; THEY WANT!! Bunch of parasites sucked all of the joy right out of me. It’s an absolute nightmare! And they’re so LOUD. Oh, my head hurts (muffled sob)…I can’t talk about it (more sobs)…Where’s that flask….?”



Tiffany said...


Kelli said...

So funny! Does that one skinny lady with the short blonde hair with the obnoxious twin boys still come in? I remember praying for them to get the priesthood early! Good times!

Elise Mckenna Peterson: said...

So that iron saved your sanity at least a little bit, right? You should work in Mormon Handicraft every ladies night! It's not as bad up there....but it's still Ladies Night...